Tag Archive for steampunk girl

Null Paradox. Miss Understood.

Null Paradox | Music | Strange Relationship

Null Paradox | Strange Relationship In our song Strange Relationship, Annabelle is beginning to understand her relationship with The Bully.  They’re both tap-dancing around their growing realization that they’re attraction goes beyond their mutual employment by Seth. Love is in the cards, but it’s not romantic love–it’s something more unreal.  Neither of them can put…

Null Paradox | The Bully

Null Paradox | Face the Truth | How Brutal Honesty Forced Grace to Transform

Facing the Truth   I refuse to be hemmed in by common descriptions such as~ The Bully is part philosopher and part psychologist ~ Apple and Adel Their description is infuriating because it’s so limiting.   Would you hem in my excellent and ongoing work with Gertrude by those simple terms?  Of course not. When Apple…

Null Paradox. Despair

Null Paradox | Music | Shackled Dreams

Null Paradox | Shackled Dreams Denial, Anger, Bargain, and Despair are the first four of ten levels of grief that Victoria has been living through since the collapse of her relationship with Seth. Null Paradox | Victoria & Seth It’s complicated. Seth and Victoria have been in love since the day they met, which precedes Seth having met either Gertrude or Grace. Then one…

Null Paradox. Music

All Music List

Null Paradox Music Null Paradox has been described as Evanescence meets Cirque du Soleil~all with a Steampunk twist. Stream/Download Amazon Apple  (includes High Definition Stereo and Dolby Atmos) Deezer iHeart Pandora Spotify Tidal (includes High Definition Stereo) YouTube Music YouTube Video Glass Desert Deepest Hour by Null Paradox Why by Null Paradox Victoria & Seth…

Null Paradox. Gertrude and Grace

Glass Desert Music

Null Paradox Music Null Paradox has been described as Evanescence meets Cirque du Soleil~all with a Steampunk twist. Glass Desert When we first started off on our Null Paradox adventure, it was all about Gertrude & Grace~Blood Sisters from the day they met as children.  By the Love or Destiny music album, their relationship had…