Let’s talk About You
Being a Friend
This should sound obvious, but I’m going to clarify it. Again. I’m not particularly interested in having a cadre of friends. One, maybe two, works just fine in my personal world.
But you; you may think you need more friends. Many more. Before you embark on the journey of having a posse of people you call friends, do you even know how to be a friend?
Are you starting to question yourself? Because you should.
If this is you, then you have some work to do.
- Contact your friends only when you need them?
- Forget about significant events in their lives?
- They contact you for help, and you decline because of something trivial?
If any of those things checks off a box, it’s time to start being a friend.
- Write a short, simple note to your friend about anything. The timing should be random, and the content should simply express that “you were on my mind.”
- Want to be a great friend? Send them some helpful information or something they love.
- Whatever you write, it should be about them or your relationship with them. Do not write about yourself. Ever receive one of those printing press “year end summaries during the holiday” letters? Then you know what I mean.
Here’s the critical part
Don’t ask for or expect anything in return. Because if you haven’t been doing this one simple thing, it will take time to rebuild your friendship.
That’s right, your friendship needs repair, and in all likelihood, you don’t even know it.
On the other hand, if you prefer labeling acquaintances as “friends,” then, by all means, keep doing what you’re doing. In a short time, you, too, can be like most people with a collection of acquaintances.
Here’s the tricky part
If you’ve reached out to repair or build a friendship and, after six months or so, you have yet to start receiving random notes back, your friendship is either lost or never was a friendship. Then, it’s time to move on. And by move on, I mean to sever the ties to that person.
Gertrude & Grace
Yes, they have had their issues. But one thing they never had a problem with was the basics of a great friendship.
Null Paradox is For You.
Or, more succinctly: I’m for you.
I’m unapologetically raw with how I feel–the highest of highs. The lowest of lows.
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There are 10,000 people just like you who are having fun and making themselves–better. All because of my weekly musings.
I know. It seems odd to want to hear from me. But being odd is part of my genius. And relearning how to be odd can be part of yours too.
If that makes sense, I can help you. If it doesn’t –goodbye.
Adieu for now,
Null Paradox. It’s for you.